Scott Scholten

Reservation Conversation Podcast Host

About Scott

Scott has been working for GTB for four years and has nearly 15 years of sobriety after decades of lived experiences that contribute to his ability to help the tribal community. Scott is distinguished as a national trainer who trains other peer recovery support specialists across the United States, he has been recognized for his passion and efforts as a Peer Recovery Coach for the GTB community (both locally and nationally), and the recovery community at large. 

Scott has been instrumental in developing options for outsourcing services, creating partnerships and collaborations, and finding local community resources to provide continuity of care for his clients. Scott's ability to pivot through adversity has proven his dedication to the tribal community and his strong desire to make a difference in the healing and wellness of the community, one client at a time. 

 Scott has also initiated collaborations with other recovery agencies and resources to ensure continued quality services for clients despite the internal staff shortages. Scott's reputation has allowed him access to county jails, that have otherwise been closed to outside visitors since the covid pandemic, which has allowed him access to clients and provided opportunities to coordinate intake assessments and referrals for clients going to inpatient treatment in lieu of incarceration.  
Scott, the GTB Peer Recovery Coach, is a strong advocate for recovery starting at home, on the rez, and branching out to the greater local area, collaborating with other in-state tribes, and searching for ways to make a greater impact through connections with leaders on the local and state level. Through his peer recovery efforts, Scott is working to reduce the number of mothers who must bury their child, or children who lose their parent by bringing awareness to the drug crisis plaguing our country by providing resources, prevention, mentorship, and hope.